Doccure provides online appointment scheduling system for your patients. It also called Multiple Clinic Booking for doctor appointment which has many features to be provided for patients who are seeking a particular doctor or specialist. This template consists of the details around the city so the user can find the nearest clinic and doctor. It is classified the details as per the categories of the clinic services. The information is like details of the doctors, clinics, images and so on. The user has option to give ratings and comments about the clinic.
We provide a simple and easy booking online software system. So, the user could view all those services provided by the clinic, select the specialist, availability of doctors and appointment date. The time and date will be chosen after confirming the doctor’s availability. Our main aim is to provide simple and effective online services for doctor appointments.
Doctors can view the patients details (Patient’s Name, Appointment date, Fees)
Once patient booked an appointment, Doctors can accept or cancel the booking.
Fully Responsive Layout
Invoice: Doctors can get the patient’s Invoice details
Schedule Timing: Doctor can set the schedule timings like 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 45 Minutes, and 1 hour.
Reviews: Doctors can read the patient reviews, also they can able to replying the patients.
Chat: Doctors and patient can communicate through chat system
Profile: Doctors can update/Edit the profile setting
Patient Booking
Patient can view the doctor details like Doctor Specialization, Reviews, Location, Fees, Business Hours etc…
Also patient can book an appointment based upon the doctor’s availability time.
After making the payment patient can get a confirmation & invoice Report.
Patient can view the booking details with the Doctors’ name, Appointment details, Fees,
Appointment Status (If doctor accept or cancel your booking).
Favorites: Patient can choose their favorites doctor.
Chat System: Patients can communicate directly with the doctors
Profile setting: Patient can update the Name, Blood Group, Email, Mobile number with more features
Admin can access the all details of Doctors & Patients
Admin can view the Appointment details, Transaction, Invoice and Reviews
Specialties: If admin want to add new specialties, he/she can add in the admin panel.
Chat System: Patients can communicate directly with the doctors
Admin can view all the patient’s details (i.e., Patient Name, Age, Address, Phone, Last Visit, Fees amount).
And much more…