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WP Migrate DB Pro Pack v2.6.1


Copy your database from one WordPress install to another with one click in your dashboard.

WP Migrate simplifies this for you with options to push or pull the database from one environment to another, export or import an SQL file, run a find and replace on the database, or save a backup of the database.

With WP Migrate’s built-in find and replace functionality, reusable migration profiles, and easy database backups, you could migrate multiple sites between different environments, in less than the time it takes to brew a fresh cup of tea. It’s a no-brainer.

WP Migrate is the original push/pull solution inspired by git and designed specifically for developers. It allows you to push or pull a database from one WordPress dashboard to another, the data streaming over a secure wire between WordPress installs. No downloading or uploading required. As long as the source site can connect to the destination site, you can push or pull the database at the click of a button.

This is unique to WP Migrate. Other WordPress migration solutions require you to export the database, save it to your computer, and upload it to the destination. It takes longer and involves more manual work.

Demo Link: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/


